The Basis for the Universe
By Marguerite dar Boggia
The Spiritual Guides of the Race have watched over humanity for millions of years. They are our Elder Brothers. They have gone through the experiences of love, hatred, selfishness and greed, aggression and misery, and have become perfected Men. This is our destiny also.
Today, when they glance at the auras of humanity, they are delighted that universal education has and is developing the lower mind, called the intellect. That is when more of the ageless wisdom teachings are given to humanity by advanced Disciples.
One of the greatest recent Disciples of the Masters was Madame H.P. Blavatsky. Her picture is included above. She was born in Russia in 1831 and died in 1891. She studied in Tibet with the Masters. Here is what she says in "Collected Writings"1:
"Esoteric Science teaches that every SOUND in the visible world awakens its corresponding sound in the invisible realms, and arouses to action some force or other on the occult side of nature. Moreover, every sound corresponds to a color and a number (a potency spiritual, psychic or physical) and to a sensation on some plane. All these find an echo in every one of the so far developed elements and even on the terrestrial plane, in the LIVES that swarm the terrene atmosphere, thus prompting them to action."
Walt Disney, who produced the motion picture "Fantasia," proved that specific colors are emitted from the various musical instruments. Every atom, whether mineral, human, solar, or galactic, has a keynote, a particular sound, a color, and a rate of vibration because at the heart of every atom is a LIFE, a spark of the BOUNDLESS ALL, that is seeking expression through its vehicles, to wit: the 'atoms' in all seven kingdoms, including the Kingdom of Deity.2
As consciousness expands and through purity in life, through study, meditation, and service, the rate of vibration of the cells in the physical and the various SUBTLE bodies increases. The keynote and color become continually refined until, eventually, UNION with the Divine Self is attained in a more adequate body. Consciousness is INFINITE. There is no end to development, even for the Gods.
Pythagoras claimed that numbers are the basis of the universe. The Science of numbers is in reality, the science of color and sound.3 The Law of Vibration will gradually be more and more understood. It will find its basic expression and its familiar terminology in those of color and sound.4 The WORLDS are the effect of sound. 5
The Masters have given us sacred words and sounds which, when intoned on the right key, change the rate of vibration and establish harmony. When I attended the New York City Lodge of the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, certain sacred vowel sounds were uttered by the group to change the rate of vibration not only of the members but to invoke the help and blessings of the unseen lives, known as devas. (The Church refers to them as angels). One of the vowel sounds was RA - MA (pronounced Rah Mah) intoned on the note of A natural above middle C. There were other vowel sounds, which I cannot mention.
The most famous sacred Word is the word "AUM".
This is what Madame Blavatsky has to say about AUM in Collected Writings.6
"The word Aum or Om, which corresponds to the upper triangle (the threefold divine Soul) if pronounced by a very holy and pure man, will draw out or awaken not only the less exalted potencies residing in the planetary spaces and elements, but even his Higher Self, or the "Father" within him. Pronounced by an averagely good man, in the correct way, it will strengthen him morally, especially if between two "Aums" he meditates intently on the Aum within him, concentrating all his attention upon the ineffable glory. But woe to the man who pronounced it after the commission of some far-reaching sin (or from anger): he will thereby only attract to his own impure photosphere invisible presences and forces that could not otherwise break through the divine envelope. All the members of the Esoteric School, if earnest in their endeavor to learn, are invited to pronounce the divine word before going to sleep and the first thing upon awakening. The right accent, however, should be first obtained from one of the officers of the E.S.T. (Esoteric Section of Theosophy)."
The following is from Madame Blavatsky, taken from the magazine "The Theosophist" and reprinted in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire on Page 448.7
"They have an Indian ancient system of psychical teaching called Yoga, in which the recitation of certain mantrams, or verses of Sanskrit, is prescribed. Especially important is the way in which the mystical syllable Om, or Aum, is pronounced. Learned Brahmans tell me, that the illimitable psychic potentiality of the Sanskrit charms, or mantrams is only drawn out by the adoption of a certain very accurate rule of pronunciation (swara). They say that by formulating the words correctly, a vibration is set upon the akaz, or that part of the ether of space that enwraps our globe, which makes man the master over all the spirit denizens or ethereal body of the man himself, purifying its grossness, stimulating its psychic powers out of the normal state of latency, and gradually fortifying them up to the point of mastery over nature's finer forces.
"The primal single sound (AUM or OM) is the highest word of power and knowledge. It is verily as Brahman itself. The regulation of the breath is the chiefs’ tapas discipline. Higher than the Savitri is no mantra. Higher than silence is truth.
"By repeated dwelling on their significance, and tuning his desire and modeling his thought to that significance, the seeker after Brahman shall, without fail, attain all perfection, whether he discharge any other duty or not; for the very name of the Brahmana is 'the friend of All creatures' (and the Gayatri is the prayer for the blessing of all creatures by our radiant Father in Heaven, the Sun)."
The Forces of Darkness invoke the Mantrams to command the invisible lives to do their will for their SELFISH purposes; but Disciples and Adepts work with the Soul of these lives to serve and to benefit the evolution of humanity.
In the documentary film "THRIVE" (produced by Foster Gamble and his wife), when sound created a vortex in the sand, I realized that, that may be how the world is created. When a Master wants to manifest his visualization, he sounds the sacred Word or Mantram, which creates a VORTEX in space, galvanizing the invisible lives to manifest his thought form and visualization.
Not everyone is ready to expand his consciousness. Sometimes, it takes an illness, an accident, a divorce, or some crisis before one realizes that the Soul is frustrated. My way of service is to email three pages weekly of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings as known by Pythagoras and Plato, FREE of any charge, to any who wish to know more about good health, their subtle bodies, the Causal body for the Soul, when they are on the reverse wheel of the zodiac, how man relates to the solar system, the nature of Energy and much more.
Marguerite Dar Boggia formerly served as Secretary and Membership Chairperson of ISAR (the International Society for Astrological Research). She formerly served as publisher of Kosmos, the ISAR Journal, and as Secretary and Director of ISAR and UAC (the United Astrology Congress). She is a co-founder of UAC. Her articles are published in the ISAR journal and other publications. At this time, she offers three online pages weekly of the Ancient Wisdom Teachings known by Pythagoras and some of which by Albert Einstein. She can be contacted through her website which she created at the age of 90: and/or
1 Blavatsky, H.P. Collected Writings Volume XII, 1889-1890. Theosophical Publishing House, 1980 pp. 534-535
2Bailey, Alice A. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Pg. 246. Deity is in every Atom.
3Bailey, Alice A. Letters on Occult Meditation, 1950, pg. 249
4Ibid, pg. 251
5 Ibid, pg. 53 The worlds are the effect of sound. First life, then matter; later the attraction of the matter to the life for purposes of its manifestation and expression, and the orderly arrangement of that matter into the necessary forms.
6 Blavatsky. Collected Writings. pg. 534
7 Ibid, Bailey C.F. pg. 448.
50, p. 53
"The worlds are the effect of sound. First life, then matter; later the attraction of the matter to the life for purposes of its manifestation and expression, and the orderly arrangement of that matter into the necessary forms. Sound formed the allying factor, the propelling impulse, and the attractive medium."
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