Best known for the theorem that bears his name, Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek philosopher of the late sixth century BC, responsible for the emergence of the word "mathematics", and its conception as a system of thought based on deductive proofs, and also for the founding of the Pythagorean School, recognized as the first university in the world.
This is a more honorific title than a real ranking, as the Pythagorean School was closer to what we would call a guild today. Although little information is really reliable about the life and theories of Pythagoras, most of the information about the philosopher was written down centuries after his death. We know, through the Greek philosopher Aristotle, that Pythagoras considered himself an observer of nature and that this would be, in his view, the purpose of his existence.
A fool is known by his speech, and a wise man by silence.
Educate the children and it won't be necessary to punish the men.
Evolution is the Law of Life
Number is the Law of the Universe
Unity is the Law of God
Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb.
The highest goal of music is to connect one's soul to their Divine Nature, not entertainment
The soul of man is divided into three parts, intelligence, reason, and passion. Intelligence and passion are possessed by other animals, but reason by man alone.
Numbers have a way of taking a man by the hand and leading him down the path of reason.
Know thyself and thou wilt knows the universe.
Each celestial body, in fact, each and every atom, produces a particular sound on account of its movement, its rhythm, or vibration. All these sounds and vibrations form a universal harmony in which each element while having its own function and character, contributes to the whole.
As long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other.
If you have a wounded heart, touch it as little as you would an injured eye. There are only two remedies for the suffering of the soul: hope and patience.
There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.
Learn silence. With the quiet serenity of a meditative mind, listen, absorb, transcribe, and transform.
If you're asked: What is the silence? Respond: It is the first stone of Wisdom's temple.
Silence is better than unmeaning words.
God built the universe on numbers.
Geometry is knowledge of the eternally existent.
Number is the within of all things.
Souls never die, but always on quitting one abode pass to another. All things change, nothing perishes. The soul passes hither and thither, occupying now this body, now that... As a wax is stamped with certain figures, then melted, then stamped anew with others, yet it is always the same wax. So, the Soul being always the same, yet wears at different times different forms.
Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.
The stars in the heavens sing a music, if only we had ears to hear
Man know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God.
Number rules the universe.